I started writing this Thursday night and got pulled away by a phone call. Now finally wrapping it up on Saturday morning.
What's For Dinner Part II
So I finished The Omnivore's Dilemma A Natural History of Four Meals by Michael Pollan this week and here are some final thoughts.
Chapter 13 The Market Page 239
"It didn't surprise me to read that the typical item of food on an Americans plate travels some fifteen hundred miles to get there, and is frequently better traveled and more worldly than its eater".
*This tidbit of information not only amazed me but also pissed me off. That my foods passport could have way more action on it than mine, that is if veggies had passports.
There is a bumper sticker in Europe to show support for eating locally "Eat your view". Nice.
There is so much more I could ramble on about from this book, but I will stop. J said there is no reason for him to even read the book since I have told him ever-damned bit about it. That is what happens when I get excited about a read; I want to talk about it. To sum it up, the book left me with a new appreciation for my food. I have never been big on saying grace or the blessing before we eat, but now I find myself thinking to myself or sometimes saying out loud "give thanks" to all the daily abundance on my plate. I mean it is the least I can do since it will be the last trip that food ever takes.
Center Hill Lake
Last weekend we spent in a cabin at Center Hill. I mean the rental place called it a cabin but this place was not rustic, in fact in some ways it was nicer than our house. Great open kitchen with all the latest appliances, a flat screen TV, a sauna bathtub, and a hot tub on the deck. These were the things that it had that my house most definitely does not. We ate lots of food. A made some deadly Chex mix called White Trash that was as delicious and addictive as it sounds. When I get the recipe from her, I will post it and then I will challenge you not to eat that peanut-buttery, powdered-sugar-covered goodness until you are sick.
Good times were had by all. Beer boxes make great roadways and there is nothing sweeter than seeing a little one smile.
Thank you American Idol
If you are a fan and want to bicker over who was cheated out of a win, I am sorry you'll have to bitch to someone else. I don't actually watch the show I am just a fan of one of their winners. Miss Carrie Underwood. Why you may ask? Well because she cut "Before He Cheats" which ended up being a five-week-running Number 1 song and one of our close friends was a co-writer. Last night we went to a party to celebrate.
There is a long history with these folks and yes it does begin back in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. As a kid before my parents divorced and I was uprooted to Florida and everything completely changed, I lived on Edgewood Drive and JT lived right down the street. Our parents were close friends so I have a lot of fun memories with her when my family was still whole. JT always reminds me of some story from the past that makes me laugh.
Like this:
JT said, "Do you remember that one time you came flying down the street on your bicycle, like you were running from a fire. You stopped in front of my house and I asked you what was wrong"?
You said, "Don't you know, the Yankees are coming"? Yes I was definitely an overly dramatic southern girl whose parents only had PBS on the TV for many of my formative years.
Both JT's parents are talented musicians. Her Dad actually has the famed title Best Banjo Player in the state of Alabama and her Mom taught me piano lessons. Before the family life I had always known fell apart, JT and I (strangely enough we even share the same name, I am named after my Granny Jessie, JT is named after an Allman Brothers song) had spent many nights at one another’s house, celebrated many birthday parties in backyards around picnic tables, and have years of photos of us dressed up for Halloween. She is that kind of friend.
When my parents divorced and my Mom and I moved to Florida we lost touch. I mean we still knew snippets from one another’s lives through our parents and would occasionally run into each another when I was in the Shoals for some holiday. I heard when her parents later divorced and was sad. I knew when she was accepted at Auburn University and was happy. The big things in our lives were still shared through our parents, which kept us connected.
Many years later when hubby (boyfriend at the time) and I moved to Nashville JT's Mom called me. Said JT had graduated from Auburn and was moving to Nashville and wanted to know if I knew of any jobs in the music biz. At the time I didn't, but I told her Mom I would let her know if something came up. When JT finally moved to Nashville we were instant friends, just like no time had passed at all. I mean we had a lot of catching up to do, but it felt just like it always had, which is rare and nice.
Unfortunately, when JT left the Shoals to move to Nashville she left heart broken. She was in love with C but they had split before she moved. She dated different guys in Nashville, but whenever we were on our fourth glass of wine C's name and how much she missed him would come up. C, a talented musician and songwriter, was playing in a cover band at La Fonda's (best margaritas in the Shoals) on the weekends and JT thought he should move to Nashville and pursue his musical dream. After one of our more drunken discussions I asked her if she had told C how she truly felt, that she still loved him and that he needed to move here. JT said, "No, not exactly." I said, “The next time you are home just tell him, then at least he will know.” Now reader I am good at giving others advice that I truly feel in my heart is right but cannot actually say that I would have the courage to do myself, especially after too much wine.
Ended up that is exactly what JT did and it worked! C moved up here, they eventually got married, and of course last night standing in the lobby which was full of all of their family members, friends, and industry folks listening to C talk about all the people he would like to thank, first and foremost his beautiful wife, I was overwhelmed with happiness for them. I also couldn't help but think how some friendships you have run their course, while others continue to grow, change and get better over time.
The Call
I mentioned that a call had taken me away from my blogging thoughts on Thursday. My Dad is going in for minor surgery next Thursday. He has had circulation problems in his legs for many years due to a terrible accident that I may at a later date write about here. It has caused him pain and discomfort and now they are worried about blood clots. So please keep my Dad in your thoughts on Thursday.
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