I arrived earlier than the other folks from my work so after I checked in at the hotel I decided to get out and explore. I had forgotten how long it actually takes you to get out of the hotels and actually hit the pavement. These guys really hate to see you leave. But our hotel was not one of the nicer hotels and it was a beautiful day so I wanted see what the city has to offer.
So I hit the Strip. Walking along I notice that the sidewalks are littered with what appears to be baseball cards, but on closer inspection they are escort "calling cards". Apparently you check your imagination at the door when you enter this city because these women were laying all their assets out on the table. Being a total tree loving liberal, I am disgusted by the littering but fascinated as well because this is when it hit me, I was not in Nashville anymore. On the next block I see where these sex nuggets are coming from. Peddlers are lined up on the sidewalk flicking or snapping these cards as people walk by. Here is how they tend to divy these morsels out, woman by herself (like me) they smile coyly at you but do not hand you a card, couple holding hands, try to pass the card to the man somewhat sheepishly, man by himself or group of men, it is New Years Eve and the ball just droppped, nude confetti for all. Fascinating. I could have hung out on the street all day and watched the responses from the passersby. Where were my Sociology professors now? Talk about group behaviour.
But I was headed to the Bellagio which is supposed to be the nicest most expensive hotel in Vegas. After taking two flat escalators because walking is for suckers, I entered the lobby. I must say that beautiful is not a word I would ever think to use in describing a hotel, but this place was impressive. The first thing that caught my eye was how packed it was with people, but then I looked up and saw the glass flowers hanging from the ceiling. My pictures do not do this hotel justice but here goes.

I was glad to see that there was more to Vegas than gambling and laying poolside, so I followed the signs to the Art Gallery. The current exhibit at the Bellagio is Ansel Adams. The exhibit is well done, lots of beautiful photos, and a section at the end that has letters Adams wrote as well as photos of him from all stages of his life. Just skimming the letters I realized that nothing would probably have saddened a man who loved nature as much as Adams than his exhibit in a hotel in Sin City. But maybe I am wrong...
I headed next door to Caesar's Palace and came upon the Brahma Shrine. It is an authentic replica of one of Thailand's most popular Buddist shrines. There was incense burning, gifts of fruit and flowers left as an offering and people were praying. It felt strangely peaceful and quiet in all that craziness and I was glad I had stumbed across it.

The rest of the day I shopped, sure wish Urban Outfitters would come to my neck of the woods, and then headed back to the hotel.
After my first day in Vegas whatever enthusism I had was completly worn off. So I will just list a few more tidbits or thoughts to sum up the trip.
1. Gambled at the Black Jack table for the first time. All other previous bets I had made in my life was a six pack on a football game or $20 in a poker game amongst friends. Needless to say I was entertained for about an hour and a half before they took all my chips. Those were the two most expensive "free" beers I ever got.
2. Went to the Stratosphere which looks like the space needle in Seattle and is located at the end of the Strip. It has incredible views of the city and that is where I took this photo. My main thought as we sat sipping our wine looking out at the view, "Holy Electricity".

3. The Monte Carlo where I stayed sucked. Construction on both sides of the hotel and those guys get going early in the morning. Even on the 25th floor I could hear those cement trucks backing up. Only upside to this hotel, Haagen Daz icecream in the food court.
4. My hotel window faced the direction of the airport and it was amazing to see the frequency of flights taking off and landing. About one every minute.
5. Vegas is all inclusive. They open their arms to everyone. I saw all nationalties, ages, and economics. This city, for some bizarre reason seems to appeal to just about everyone, like moths to a light.
6. I did actually do some work. There were meetings, conventions, and dinners to attend. Hands to be shook. But nothing earth shattering to report.
7. Spent my final afternoon before flying out the next morning, reading a library book in the bed and staring out the window watching the planes go by. I was ready to be home.
Spring In The South
On another note Spring has officially arrived here and these are the signs.
1. Our forsythia bush in the front yard has little yellow buds. This bush always reminds me of my Granny. I am sure it had no sway in my immediate love of the house when we saw it for the first time that it was in full bloom.
2. Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue arrived. Beyonce is on the cover and looking mighty fine I must say. This years issue came with a special section that had blurred photos of women in swimsuits that you view with the enclosed 3-D glasses. J's response while looking at the picture and moving the magazine slowly back and forth, "I still can't see her boobs".
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