Wednesday, November 21, 2007

2 + 1 = 3

Over the past few weeks I keep having the same dream.

It starts out normal enough. J and I are hanging around the house when the UPS truck stops at the end of the driveway. We watch as the UPS man unloads a LARGE wooden box and rolls it up the driveway. We go to the back door to see what it is and he asks for our signature, which he tells us is necessary when delivering a live animal.

Me: What kind of live animal?
UPS man, just as calm as can be: A kangaroo.
Me: A baby kangaroo? (Because in my dream for some reason this seems logical)
UPS man: No. A full grown kangaroo.

As he walks off down the driveway J and I stare at the box and back at each other. We struggle getting the box in the house because what else can you do when a kangaroo arrives on your doorstep? I take a peep in one of the air holes but it is too dark to see anything.

We decide to open the box to get a better look and see if this is just a big joke. Once we get the box open we see a full grown kangaroo looking back at us. Slowly the kangaroo steps out into our house. He or she, I do not know the animal that well yet, heads to a corner of the room where it calmly looks around.

Immediately all kinds of thoughts rush through my mind.
How will the kangaroo hop when we live in a ranch house with low ceilings?
What does a kangaroo eat?
When and how does it sleep?
I am quite certain our pet sitter, will draw the line at caring for two cats and a kangaroo.

With all these questions running through my head, I start to panic. And like most dreams when things get uncomfortable, I wake myself up.

So later at work I Google kangaroos and dreams. From the Dreammoods Dictionary, it says, “To see a kangaroo in your dreams, refers to maternal and paternal protection. You may be expressing your nurturing and mothering nature.”

Google never ceases to amaze and inform me. Of course there were other interpretations referencing a kangaroo showing up in your dreams, but they were not as applicable as that one. Dream interpretations are like reading your horoscope. Just pick the one that suits you.

I do hope I am expressing and exploring my nurturing nature, since we have a “roo” of our own on the way. I am 18 weeks pregnant and totally consumed with all sorts of questions of what the future holds.

1 comment:

Betsy said...

I just know you would take excellent care of a kangaroo!